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More Than Make Up with makeupandinked - April Feature


Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Welcome back to our Favourites Feature! The Blog Series where we delve into the lives and minds of our favourite MUA's, Bloggers and Influencers, where we talk all things make up, mental health and life in the spotlight!

This month we are absolutely bursting at the seams to share our MTMU feature…

Charlie Betty Beauty has been a huge fan of this creative individual for a long, long time - the absolutely phenomenal Makeup Artist and Content Creator makeupandinked.

Teg is UK based, known for her sensational bright coloured creations and is brimming to the top with talent. A girl after our own hearts, a keen mental health advocate sharing her message and aiming to inspire so many others.

We are so incredibly blessed to have had such an inspiring and heart warming conversation with the exceptionally talented and beautiful soul that is Teg. There were no stones left unturned and she has shared more than we could have ever hoped for about herself and her journey, and of course this only makes us love her more! Make sure you spend the time to sit and get lost in this tell all interview, and we guarantee it will be one of the most fulfilling things you will do today!

What is your full name and where are you from?

I’m Teg Baker and I am from a little town called Seaford, Near Brighton.

Tell us a little bit about your background and your story..

I grew up very tom boyish, playing outside, climbing trees and I was (and still am) obsessed with bugs and amphibians! Anything you can find in a garden, I wanted to keep it as a pet! Animals were always a huge part of my childhood, we had 6 cats at once, and it’s always been a huge part of my life. My nan’s garden was heaven with a pond and lots of plants with bugs. It’s some of my happiest memories. I now have a pet frog named Ned

When did you discover your love for make up and how did this affect your life?

When I was at school I lived in just a winged liner and good ol’ dream matte mousse all over my face (absolutely in the wrong shade). I ordered my first high end eyeshadow palette in June 2018 and that started my love for eyeshadows, especially trying bright colours. From then it spiralled into all makeup but specifically eyeshadow palettes. It became so fun to wear a different colour everyday and it made me feel so much more confident than I ever thought.

How did you embark on your career path within make up?

I started up my Instagram account in September 2018 with a little collection of Jeffree Star Cosmetics products. As the collection grew, I started to branch out in to different brands and was lucky enough to receive PR to continue sharing on my Instagram. I started only with flatlays to now where I love to create eye looks, full face looks, nail shots, flatlays and swatches!

Have you come across any resistance with your makeup journey, and if so, how have you coped/overcome it?

During my time on social media I’ve definitely hit some bumps, mainly a lack of inspiration or generally just not feeling myself to create. I think the main thing is listen to your body and don’t force yourself to create. It will come back naturally and I find that is when I create my best content.

Have you found that expressing yourself through make up has helped with your mental health?

The main reason I started my Instagram was for a distraction from the worries of the world and I could completely immerse myself in creating. There’s something therapeutic about sitting down and creating art on your face or arm and to then make friends on Instagram who shared common interests was one of the best things I’ve ever done. You concentrate on you and what you are doing, not what is going on around you.

How makeup helps you with your mental health?

It’s an escape from reality and all my concentration is put fully into creating, it’s the best feeling!

Can you tell us a little more about your experiences with mental health?

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at the age of 15 after a traumatic event and was put on fluoxetine and have been taking it ever since. I was lucky to enough to find my boyfriend around that time and he has been my rock ever since. In May 2019, my parents had a toxic split and it affected me more than I could ever imagine and by July I had a big breakdown and was signed off of work. I never went back and haven’t had a job since as my mental health spiralled and I didn’t want to leave the house. I went on a waiting list for therapy and after about 9 months of waiting, I was finally accepted and started seeing a CBT therapist. In comes covid and the lockdown was a particularly hard time for everyone. All my therapy session were cancelled and I was discharged due to them going back into nursing to help the hospitals so I never finished it. In July 2021 I was accepted back to CBT therapy and continued with who I had previously which was a huge relief. We worked through a lot of my trauma, anxiety, depression and self esteem and it was definitely a big change learning coping techniques. After therapy I finally left the house on my own for the first time in over two years. It’s been a journey since then and I continue to try my best and learn new techniques. It’s all a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. Working towards getting out more and hopefully a job!

If you could speak to your younger self, what advice would you give?

Don’t believe what other people are saying about you, only you know you. You are so much stronger than you think.

How do you aim to inspire others in a similar situation?

Find what you love to do and go with it, don’t give up on it, even if people have something to say about it. Many times someone has put me down or force me out of doing makeup but if that is what you love to do, do it for you, no one else.

Have you ever wanted to delete a post because of a negative/rude/mean comment?

Definitely at the beginning, but especially now I love to create for me and I try not to let anything get me down about what I do or post! I’ll take any constructive criticism but if it’s straight up rude and with malicious intent, there’s a block button for a reason.

What is your proudest moment throughout your makeup career?

My proudest moment was when I was chosen to be a Jeffree Star Cosmetics Brand Ambassador as it had been a dream from the day I started my Instagram account.

Who and what would you say are your biggest influences?

Music has been a huge part of my journey. Bands like Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco and All Time Low have been there through so much. The messages in their music has helped me through the toughest times

Jeffree Star is probably one of my biggest influences in makeup. One of his videos, he spoke out about his own mental health and that was when I knew I felt like I could talk about my own struggles and I started to share those.

Do you find your mental health effects the colours you work with?

Absolutely!! If I feel like I need a boost, I always grab for green and the brightest I can find!

Where do you find inspiration for your looks?

I love looking through my Instagram home page and especially my explore page to find new people to follow and people that inspire me to create! Another inspiration is through nails! Glamadoo (Hayley) and Deadly Daggers Nail Studio (Santella) create such incredible designs, I always want to create for them!

Which of your looks has been your favourite?

One of my favourite looks I’ve ever done is probably the Saw inspired look I created for Halloween. Halloween is my favourite time of year for makeup!

Charlie Betty Beauty’s Earth Palette was modelled on representing the Earth element - in the 5 elements of earth, air, fire, water and aether, what element would you say you resonate with the most and why?

I resonate most with air being a Libra as well! I am an airhead and I would forget my own head if it wasn’t attached to my body.

What is your favourite shade in the Earth Palette?

It’s definitely a battle between Patchouli and Fools Gold! Patchouli is the perfect bright green shade that compliments all the shades in the palette but Fools Gold is that pop of shimmer that I gasped at when I swatched it for the first time!

Do you tend to purchase makeup from companies based on their messaging and their values, or mainly based on what you are loving at the time?

I would say a bit of both! I’m always loving a green and I’m an absolute sucker for greens. I think values behind a brand are important and I am definitely more likely to buy from them if I feel like I resonate with them.

What new product would you love to see or experiment with this year?

I would LOVE a mascara that has an eyelash curler attached to it! I lose mine all the time or forget to use it on my short straight lashes!

What's your favourite thing to do apart from makeup?

I’m a tv addict and love to binge watch tv shows! I’ve recently just watched more of the Marvel Universe for the first time (I know I’m so late) and I’ve been a bit obsessed! Especially Daredevil!

What are your goals for 2022?

Take more risks! I love a routine and sticking to how I like things but I want to branch out and try new things and go new places, even order something different on a menu!

Finally, what’s a quote that you live by?

Asking for help doesn’t make you a burden, it makes you a human being.

Thank you so much Teg for taking the time to share your story with us today, you are a beautiful and inspiring soul and we cannot wait to see where your journey will take you next! You can follow makeupandinked on Instagram by clicking here.

Don’t hesitate to let us know your favourite MUAs, Bloggers and Influencers in the comments below. We are always looking for inspirational people to include in our More Than Make Up Features.

If you missed last month’s Feature of Rio Artistry MUA, don’t panic, you can view it by clicking here! Or you can subscribe to our blog today and never miss another upload!


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